Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Please Step Away From the Woman

I wade through my 'friends'
both old and new with an eye on their
'you never used to be that religious'
when we were bar hopping and sliding along
the fine line of 'ladylike' behavior
or your groping on the dance floor of the woman
not yours to grope.
I wade through your nose in the air
of your pious and emotional feelings showing
that you do not believe
never will believe
the rights of any woman to control their own
body - it is theirs to do what they want
they can get it drunk, fill it with drugs, lay down
for your sexual obsession
but God on Sunday you pray for salvation
The old Testament
that large book found in some caves along
the sea...that book by Jewish scholars
hidden from destruction by those who would do so
treated women as chattel
Don't believe that?  Read the book...
right there along with the cows and the lambs
that they take to slaughter.
But I digress in my anger
that men have any right whatsoever, whatsoever
to legislate the rights of a woman
I stand with Planned Parenthood
I stand with women's rights to be equal
to have access to health services that save lives
it saves lives...if it only saves one life
it works.
I stand with Planned Parenthood
I stand with women's rights
We are over 50% of America
We are over 50% of college students
Planned Parenthood helps 2.7 million men and women
every single year
The US has 1.9 children per woman
one of the lowest in the world
It is time to stop the hatefulness of men
who have no respect for women
and the hatefulness of women who don't believe
we are guaranteed equal protection.
I stand with Planned Parenthood
and against those who are working to take away
our rights to our own bodies.

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