Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ah...the Moon

that view from my back deck as the moon started to disappear
I should have taken out the tripod
because I have trouble holding the camera still
to get a good shot.
I started taking pictures of the moon when I bought
the Lumix about eight years ago
It was a birthday present but I think it was from me though
I might be wrong...I think about the day I bought it.
Catching an eclipse is like taking a moment
to just stop and observe something that
is just a part of the world in which we live
but that day, my birthday, was a very very bad day.
I was going through the phases of the moon
in which one accepts the truth of a relationship
throwing the question up in the air
and knowing that I can either save it or let it go.
Save it - save all those years of history
save all those good times, bad times and ugly times
I hated the love and loved the hate
because one would lead to the truth and the other suffocate me.
Save it or turn off the coffee pot
and just walk out the door into an unknown tomorrow
Save it or walk...
and there it was in my attitude in a camera shop.
I realized while I was waiting to speak to a salesman
that everything, everything in life
made me angry and made me want to hit something
everything sucked.
I walked...I tied up my feelings
cut off the stupidity of continuing the self abuse
stepped away from my life
with my hands in the air and the words on my lips.
Don't touch me - don't every touch me again
Don't...just don't.
Now I turn on my camera and focus
on life that is good and a moon hiding behind the shadow
of the truth.

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