Thursday, April 19, 2018

My 14th Novel - The Seer and Miss Clark - Free Giveaway

My husband took me out to dinner tonight to celebrate the finish of my
14th Novel

Ten Union deserters made plans to rob the Union Payroll wagon of
seventy-five thousand dollars, the largest heist attempted during the Civil War.
Ten men who had killed for the President on the battlefield now killed for
love, money and the pure untethered pleasure of killing.
They ride with the dark man who is waiting patiently for their souls as he
tempts them with the very thing they seek.
Juliette cannot stop the carnage or save the victims he serves up
to the greedy men unless he allows her to.   That doesn't stop the taunting and the visions
that she can't block out.  He tortures her with forcing her to watch.
Juliette channels Megan Clark long before the afternoon in the cornfield.
It will be the struggle of both of their lives.


Sunday, April 1, 2018

Easter Bunnies and Stuff

damn but I hate to admit that there are more years
behind me then in front but that's pretty much where I find myself
Easter is a religious holiday
that involved me getting a permanent
and a new dress in pink or lavender with Paten leather shoes
little white gloves and white hats with ribbons


 I will wish you the best day on this Easter Sunday
and admit that I love the traditions
which were so much a part of my life when young
the Easter Baskets
filled with candy, toys and eggs
[I didn't like hard boiled eggs or even eggs but I regress]
I loved the colors, the fake grass
and the jelly beans.
Back then there were only a handful of flavors.


I did have a black rabbit
we lived in North Dakota off of the base in a large house
the rabbits lived in a cage under the house
I don't know why I had a rabbit
but I did and then I didn't
because some nice person poisoned my rabbit.
Of course, that's what I was told
but when we left England I was told my black cat
was killed by a neighborhood dog...
this was the "we can't afford to quarantine her" solution
so instead I was emotionally destroyed
so I wouldn't argue at the age of seven.


I can now look back at all those childhood things
with a critical eye on the truth
and the necessity of bending it like light through a prism
the parental stories to handle a child
the fact that I remember these things and knew
then what I know now
makes me understand that those little stories
aren't always the way to handle things.


Alright...this is not a good Easter story
but more a story on morality
I accept more than I allow to change my world
I have adopted the old southern philosophy
of smiling, enjoying and telling others
"isn't that nice"

I am in the midst of getting ready for a large
art show and have two books in the air using one
to avoid finishing the other.
I think I have too much on my plate and have fallen
into a bowl of procrastination and noodles.

Have a great Easter and remember that spring is
a beautiful time of any year.
