Wednesday, July 8, 2015

New Book



Faberge Eggs and 1920s Boston
I have written a new story
that takes place in the 1920s in Boston
during the prohibition and before the crash of the stock market
at the moment I am cleansing the story
which is my term for
making sure the train stays on the track
from the opening word
to the final word
Much like following the Yellow Brick Road
where I get off track
or throw in characters or directions
that die without resolution
and without really adding to the storyline.
I always write off the cuff
no outlines
no little boxes filled with characters
or plots - I just start writing until I have some idea
what I want to elicit in the story
the hardest thing that I deal with is killing off a good character
it is much like the GPS
sending you down the wrong street
in a neighborhood that you have never been in
and you have to take a deep breath
and find your way back.
So the main character and I are trying
to define the road we are travelling
without losing any readers
and hopefully those reviewers who never get to the story
due to their inability to not critique
the non-story parts of a book
will just not want to read my work anymore
they are useful and sometimes
their 'know it all' attitude drives me insane
but honestly I have never cared
about the other stuff
for it is the story that I am looking forward to.
A review that is based on your personal
quirks does nothing to improve
a writer's ability to tell a story.

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