Thursday, March 16, 2017

Face to Face

Coming face to face
time stopped literally in place
the sun continued to shine without notice
the happy birds
watched unknowingly as I
came face to face
with the fleeing burglar.

His expression froze
taking in my presence in the path
of his escape
weighing with complete care
the necessity and the possibility
that I was a threat
to his freedom to enjoy the day.

Seconds dragged beyond
the possibility that days or minutes
or even years did not
pass by in that space of time
fear did not have a seat
at the table of this meeting
while curiosity took the microphone.

Not a word was uttered
not a single thing was said
but the acknowledgement of the moment
the burglar and me
quietly weighed all options
as he fled by me
soundless and in a hurry.

Over the wall
one hand on it as he hurtled it with ease
landing with a hard thump
leaving deep footprints in the dirt
before he sprinted
to the taller wall leading to freedom
from his ill-gotten plan
to gain entry.

Young and fit
he ran as though the devil
was laughing in his left ear
telling him his tattoos were ill-advised
for the doorbell
captured him in such clarity
alerting the owners of his evil plans
to destroy and steal.

A crime of convenience
a need to obtain that he doesn't own
money for another day
facing the wrong end of a bullet
is swept out of his consciousness even though
it is a real possibility
we stood face to face
quietly the burglar and me.

The alarm was turned on
the house was eerily quite empty
the bars on the windows assaulted for entry
glass covered the ground
broken shards of anger and pain
video notifications
and yet not enough to stop.

Face to face
a young man risking all in the world
to take what isn't his
to destroy the peace and security
every day of every week
breaching the quiet afternoons
a wanted man
who will one day face death
as quietly as he did me.



  1. This should be required reading for all potential n'er do wells.
    It might make them think twice, before attempting forced entry.
    As effective as a burglar alarm, virtual warning toll bells;
    to face a mirror, and wonder, "Could this fail one day be me."

    1. And so the sun sets upon a life of chance,
      the stomach lost of butterflies,
      the shifting eyes refuse to accept or see,
      growing old is something not to be.
