Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Simple Format for Publishing

Writing to me is therapy.

It has always allowed me to step away from life and create a world that either releases my demons or soothed my emotions by taking out my anger, pain or disappointment in a way that keeps my world somewhat level.   Since divorcing after forty years of marriage to my high school boyfriend, I don't have that deep depressive drive to release but I still love to write.

I encourage people to write even if just for that release and to publish if for no other reason than someone might enjoy their work.  Does everyone want to be a world renowned author...well, yeah of course, but that is something only you will achieve by trying.

I have heard many people say they don't know how to create a Kindle book and I understand because I muddled through teaching myself.  I finally found Createspace which I use for all of my books.  I spent years on the computer in a law office working on Word Perfect which to this day I absolutely love but I'm retired and don't need the bells and whistles of WP.

I use Microsoft Words.  Under Layout you will find "Margins" and "Size".  Start with size and at the bottom of the drop down is "More Designs" but you will create your own size of 6x9 inches and click on "Whole Document".  Now got into Margins and hit Custom Margins.  I use 0.5 on the top, bottom, right left and between 0.60 to 0.75 - try both.  This is the "Gutter".  Make sure you click on Mirror Pages and Whole Document.

This is a basic layout design but if you do it before you write your first word, you will see a "page" as you write it.   The third thing is to decide page numbers.  This is under "Insert" - toward the right side of the options is "page number".  Pick your choice.  I usually do bottom centered numbers.  Then you have "Headers" which is where you can put in the name of your book.  [Close "Headers" when you are finished - it is a button far right]  The header will be lighter print which is nice.

This is the majority of setting up a 6x9 book format in Words.  Once you have done this, you can easily upload it on Createspace who will give you a "Review" of your entire book as well as issues that it feels need to be addressed.   You can also design your own cover using their free artwork, use your own or have your cover professionally done. 

Once Createspace feels your book is ready, it will submit it for a 24 hour review.  After the review stage, you can either review it again online or order a copy to review.  I like both ways but have actually used those 24 hours to reread my story where I always find issues.  I think I upload a book 2 or 3 times before I am happy.  One would think that I would find the problems before submitting but the only way that works is if you shelf it for a few days so you have a fresh eye on the words.

After that you go through the distribution issues that are easy if you read the little explanations next to each option. 

If you find errors after it is "live" - you can correct them on your computer file and reload it from your Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing Page that each author can set up.  But that's for another discussion. 

If you are not publishing because of the formatting work, I can assure you that you will find it easier than you ever thought. 

Monday, August 29, 2016

A Woman's Rise

Truth and honesty
words we believe are carved deeply in our hearts
yet if you wipe away the pooling blood
looking at the swollen words
do we really believe that we hold them dear
those words that morally question us
to be better...we need to be better

Close your eyes
look back into the past as far as you can go
think about your lessons of life
does your knowledge of the truth and honesty
of the history of your country, your life
your own adherence to those words
follow a straight there not lies

Condensed into misconceptions
washed to take away the very core of our history
hung out in our line of sight
a swift breeze will dry those pages of [not really] lies
to convince your soul that it is what has always been
nothing is different, no hidden meaning or words
just what it is...what you need to see

I stutter at the morality
of the intelligent beings that carry their banner
there's nothing else but what you see
nothing that I haven't regurgitated into an assembly
that leads you down the path
with Pan and his trusty flute comforting your ears
with someone's fantasy...come sing my tune

Control of history
control of what was truth and honesty
control of the words you hear the images you digest
control of the world around you
comes in the little words strung together dishonestly
control of every part of your soul
is the history of how women rose from constant defeat.


Thursday, August 11, 2016

When The War Is Over - Free Download

Kindle Version of Book 3 of the Ellery Sisters
is free to download

Saturday, August 13th and Sunday, August 14th

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

What Is a Writer To Do?

Some writers believe the act of writing to be an art
and in a manner of speaking it is.
Anyone can string together letters, words and sentences
but few can do it with dramatic flair that draws in the reader.
I consider it a peaceful rest from work
which includes cleaning the house and other odd things.

This last weekend I went to Golden, Colorado with my husband
who is a great artist and teacher
It was the first time that I have given a demonstration
on how to make glass flowers.
I consider my glass flowers to be art but like
writing it is because I have spent a lot of years learning
to work on the torch and manipulating molten glass.

When I wasn't working on the torch with the students
I was sitting in the break room with my laptop
working on the new story...
Glass art is magical...books transport you to another world
either way I am happy.


Tuesday, August 2, 2016

The Country Fair


          Attention…attention!!  I have Miss Emily here at the information both and she has advised us that her two blue ribbon piglets have escaped their pen and are loose on the Fair Grounds.  If you should spot these two little guys, please advise me because she is quite concerned that they may be lost.

          Attention…attention!!  It has been now brought to my attention that Mrs. Smothers while carrying her pies into the Pie Eating Tent tanged with two little pigs falling backward where her renowned peach pies met an untenable fate.  We are now looking for two little pigs covered in peaches and pie crust.

          Wait…yes Miss Emily…what…okay the pigs’ names are Walter and Jessie.  Okay…attention the pigs are Walter and Jessie.  Now Miss Emily don’t cry.

          Attention…attention!!  We ask that everyone stay clear of the Chicken Coop while the owners attempt to catch the chickens that were set free when two little pigs, while evading capture by Mr. Froggins knocked over the center table sending the chicken crates hither and younger littering the little pigs with chicken feathers that have now stuck to the peaches.  Please let us know if you see these rascals.

          Attention…attention!!  Please make room for the ambulance that is attempting to make its way to the Blue Ribbon Tent where I have been advised that the Widow Green was knocked over by two sticky, feather covered little pigs and Mr. Froggins who was yelling unmannerly as he dove under the table knocking the widow off her walker into the table of preserves sending the pickles across the room where little Tommy Grimm was sitting waiting for his grandmother.  Mrs. Green has been mumbling that she was attacked by fat chickens that smelled like a peach tree.  We believe there are numerous causalities and ask everyone to stay out of the tent until the matter is cleaned up.

          Attention…attention!!  It has been reported that the two little pigs ran through the sheep tent during the shearing contest and after toppling several sheep and scaring the baby lambs who are running loose through the Fairgrounds as the children try to catch them.  Mr. Froggins joining in on the escapade slipped on the sheep shit landing on his back causing his prior injury to reoccur.  We need the paramedics at the sheep tent as soon as they attend to the Widow Green and little Tommy.

          Attention…attention!!  The damn pigs have been spotted slipping into the bullpen and thankfully no one has volunteered to go in after them though it has been reported that they rolled in the bullcrap and then escaped into the east field heading toward the Produce tent.  In anyone sees these rascals, please let us know immediately since Miss Emily’s mother said she is distraught with their safety.

          Attention…it has been twenty minutes since the sighting of the two pigs.  Miss Emily’s parents have had to take her home hysterical, Mr. Froggins will be in traction for an extended length of time, Mrs. Smothers is calling for a recess in judging so she can bake another pie since it was not her fault causing a fight with Miss Ribbons who hit her over the head with her cane, Widow Green has passed out from the excitement and little Tommy says he will never eat another pickle as long as he lives.  If anyone see Walter and Jessie, please feel free to take them home for a barbeque.

@ October 10, 2013