Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Please Step Away From the Woman

I wade through my 'friends'
both old and new with an eye on their
'you never used to be that religious'
when we were bar hopping and sliding along
the fine line of 'ladylike' behavior
or your groping on the dance floor of the woman
not yours to grope.
I wade through your nose in the air
of your pious and emotional feelings showing
that you do not believe
never will believe
the rights of any woman to control their own
body - it is theirs to do what they want
they can get it drunk, fill it with drugs, lay down
for your sexual obsession
but God on Sunday you pray for salvation
The old Testament
that large book found in some caves along
the sea...that book by Jewish scholars
hidden from destruction by those who would do so
treated women as chattel
Don't believe that?  Read the book...
right there along with the cows and the lambs
that they take to slaughter.
But I digress in my anger
that men have any right whatsoever, whatsoever
to legislate the rights of a woman
I stand with Planned Parenthood
I stand with women's rights to be equal
to have access to health services that save lives
it saves lives...if it only saves one life
it works.
I stand with Planned Parenthood
I stand with women's rights
We are over 50% of America
We are over 50% of college students
Planned Parenthood helps 2.7 million men and women
every single year
The US has 1.9 children per woman
one of the lowest in the world
It is time to stop the hatefulness of men
who have no respect for women
and the hatefulness of women who don't believe
we are guaranteed equal protection.
I stand with Planned Parenthood
and against those who are working to take away
our rights to our own bodies.

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Ah...the Moon

that view from my back deck as the moon started to disappear
I should have taken out the tripod
because I have trouble holding the camera still
to get a good shot.
I started taking pictures of the moon when I bought
the Lumix about eight years ago
It was a birthday present but I think it was from me though
I might be wrong...I think about the day I bought it.
Catching an eclipse is like taking a moment
to just stop and observe something that
is just a part of the world in which we live
but that day, my birthday, was a very very bad day.
I was going through the phases of the moon
in which one accepts the truth of a relationship
throwing the question up in the air
and knowing that I can either save it or let it go.
Save it - save all those years of history
save all those good times, bad times and ugly times
I hated the love and loved the hate
because one would lead to the truth and the other suffocate me.
Save it or turn off the coffee pot
and just walk out the door into an unknown tomorrow
Save it or walk...
and there it was in my attitude in a camera shop.
I realized while I was waiting to speak to a salesman
that everything, everything in life
made me angry and made me want to hit something
everything sucked.
I walked...I tied up my feelings
cut off the stupidity of continuing the self abuse
stepped away from my life
with my hands in the air and the words on my lips.
Don't touch me - don't every touch me again
Don't...just don't.
Now I turn on my camera and focus
on life that is good and a moon hiding behind the shadow
of the truth.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Holy Editing

Let's separate the writing of a story
first you have the story itself
whether you make an outline or little boxes
to keep track of your characters
and trust me even though I don't do this
trying to remember minor characters while writing
is difficult...
then we have the editing
and proof reading and making sure it flows
Editing is the most vital
important part of any book you want to publish
there are a million things that you can
and probably do that are not good for your reading
I have gone to an add on on my Words
that nit picks my words apart
it slashes and dashes and gives me explanations
on inappropriate grammarly rules
it's pretty cool though the suggestions are not
always right in the context of my story
so it is laborious
but so worth the time.
I like programs that are helpful
and in using them my style will meld with
properness and hopefully I will
become a better writer.
Life is good and there are no shortcuts
as I run each of my books
through the program...this may take a while
but Yesterday's Gone
has been re-edited and I am on to the next

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

New Book - New Download

My Wild Irish Rose

My latest romance will be free to download on Amazon Kindle this Friday, August 18th, and Saturday, August 19th.  Click on the link to go to Amazon.

This love story is set in Boston during the prohibition.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

One Month Out!

Now...now is when I start making lists
and when the craziness of one side of my brain
steps up to the plate
the bases are definitely loaded
the crowds are on their feet...
Oh right...I am blogging about traveling
not my favorite sport
but I am not well know for staying on point
which is why I must now
state a list of things I can fit into a
carry on suitcase.
Crazy, I know
I can take 2 fifty pound suitcases
and I actually had the zipper fixed on my
favorite suitcase
but Lewis kept talking about
carry on only...easier he said
We CAN do this he said.
And you know what...
I think we can
I know Paris - the city of love and lights
where we will be reenacting every
great movie that used the background of Paris
whether for love or espionage
We are doing Paris.
So...there comes the list
then the fine art of packing a week
into a small little suitcase
and a backpack.
I will be downloading good books
for the long journey to final destination.
Be amazed at the whole of life
Enjoy every moment
Laugh at the problems that will solve themselves
Converse with strangers
Eat as small cafes
Absorb the beauty of the art
Spend a day in the park
Smile because your apartment was a palace
Bring home chocolate
Buy something that makes you smile
Take off the restrictions
Fall in love
with everything, everyone and the man next to you
Life is beautiful.

Friday, September 11, 2015

A Deep Breath of Acceptance

I have music on this morning
as our world memorializes the many losses
and deep rooted fear
that is the very core of life itself.
Raised in the arms of a man in uniform
a small shy child of yesterday
a deep affection grew
from the patriotic life my breeding ground.
Does my heart not shed a tear
remembering all those who lost their life
normal day until
until it wasn't really any more?
I encompass so much more
when I turn to the west as the sun sets
for death sits quietly
no need to journey beyond his rock.
Paths crossing at angles
wanderers leaning upon their security
a crooked staff of humanity
good is an illusion form in a kinder song.
Mourn my fellow travelers
knowing that under each foothold
lies the story of another
who so courageously walked this way.
We're all heading to the foothills
some taking time to linger
others in a hurry to find the imaginary end
death waits...patiently.
For he knows we come of our own accord
in the end he will always win
mourn little children
as you move up the mountain.
Live in the acknowledgment
that each day is a wonderful adventure
a homage to existence
leave no stone unturned or left behind.