Thursday, April 2, 2015

200th Post

I have one of those brains that does not like to be taxed...
I don't retain information once I use it and sometimes I mistakenly delete things I need
I don't keep copies of email even though most people keep every email they have ever received...
I don't call people because I just don't...if someone needs me I am here
I only know this is my 200th blog on here because it told me so
I don't remember when I started blogging but I think it was when I uploaded my first book
which was the early part of in approximately, thereabout, near or over two years
I have written 200 blogs which contain nothing of real importance just random thoughts
I don't remember what I write, I usually don't re-read things I just let it spill out
as the thoughts slid down the nerve branches of my arms to my fingers
One thing you don't know about me is that I can take 'dictation' - remember the kind
they taught in the 60s - I can still take it but I can also type faster than most can dictate
and when people would piss me off I would write things in shorthand so they couldn't read it
alright so that isn't a nice thing but it's satisfying as all get out
so I can take dictation while my mind is doing other things...I don't have to pay attention
when I take dictation...they sounds go into my ears and travel down those pathways to the
dictation pad...I love dictation pads...and when I left my office I had box after box of used dictation
pads filled with squiggly little marks and a lot of doodling...
I know when I can multi-task and I know when my brain has left the building
that's important but mostly I used to pull into my parking lot at work and wonder
how in the hell did I get to work without remembering doing it...
the greatest story was when I was talking to my son on the cell while driving to work
and when I parked I put everything back in my purse...still talking mind you...and I declare
"I can't find my cellphone!"  to which after he stopped laughing said "Mom you are talking on it"
Life sometimes is "duh...funny" and sometimes "really not".
So here is to the 200th blog post that says absolutely nothing at all but why change
paddles in the middle of the stream...I am now going back to editing Book II wondering
why it has little sex when my characters really love good sex...I'll figure that out some other time
Here is to the wonders of the internet, the fact that you never record questionable videos on
your laptop even though the computer guys enjoy them, to springtime that is blooming
and to life which is generally good if you allow it to on to 'what's for dinner' because
nothing sounds particularly good tonight....have a great day....barb

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