Friday, August 4, 2017

So Humbly Yours...

You can put this entire summer in the can
and seal it up because I am over it.
After clumsily falling
or face planting myself into cement
literally making my right arm
totally useless and creating a fog of incredible pain
I finally have full range of my arm
though it still needs therapy to build up the muscles.
I remember my sister having a cast
on her leg after falling off a horse
and laughing because when it came off her leg
was spindly compared to the other.
I know my bad.
So being unable to do anything of significance
eight weeks of healing
pinched a nerve in my back or hip or somewhere
which defined pain that surpassed
the it went out the hatch pain
like I started to talk to God again pain
giving small tokens to any god who exists in
fantasy or sci-fi stories.
I couldn't walk...I couldn't stand for more than a moment
and frankly I was beyond mad at the world
because I hate pain.
Am I better...a little...I can at least start to stretch
by touching my toes and other stretches
and though I should not be so snarky
I have learned that there is a difference between
mental snarky and pain 'oh my God' snarky.
To those in constant pain...
I am so sorry.
Sorry that there is nothing that exists to lift
the pain that wears you down like a drip in the dirt
leaving a deep hole.
I am sorry that our bodies are not easy
to fix or to understand.
I want a machine that gives you 3-D view of everything
in your a robot.
So I am humbly yours...missing the summer
and working toward taking control
of my own self.


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