Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Bookmarking My Place in Time

"Youth is wasted on the Young"

it isn't that they do not appreciate those wonderful
vigorous days and years
that window in one's life where everything
is new and exciting sometime scary
it's really not that at all
it is an observation when one gets on in years
when the body slows down
and the days seem to just melt together
it is at that moment
you realize
that with age comes wisdom
understanding and clarity of the hourglass
it is when
you develop hindsight
based on years of living and absorbing
based on experimentation
or denial of abilities and desires
it is at that time
that pure minute of life
that you go through the 'what if I had' thoughts
'what I could have done'
that you pick up the brass lantern
rubbing it with a spit and shine of hindsight
'please let me try again'
just one more time around the track
with the knowledge
gathered like a basket of wildflowers
on a rainy morn'
it is not that it is wasted
for it is a fresh adventure of the heart and mind
a learning curve of life
without a playbook, without an idea
of the powers
deep inside of us hide
I shall bookmark this very moment
savoring each thing I have learned
never regretting but always
for more time
let me not forget.


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