Saturday, June 29, 2024

Where Does Time Go

 I imagine that the question

could be a statement of sorts

or the mere fact that each letter that turns into words

eats slowly away at time

We mark time from the second of our birth

our birth is marked from inception

and then the page turns

and time is measured by how much is left

for we all have a beginning and an end

and we have little to say on either

we can extend our time, sometimes

we can use our time as we wish

but time wasn't measured in calendars

time pieces or that old grandfather clock

time was measured by the sun,

the sky and the moon

days weren't named for convenience

who determined a minute is the length of seconds

why is a day a day

why do we even celebrate still breathing

knowing that the worms will eventually find a way

to turn us dust and bones

they live within us patiently waiting

for the final grand feast

where does time really go?
