Thursday, January 4, 2018

Hello 2018 and the Questions In My Mind


When I quit my day job which was quite by fate
of all the blocks falling into place
I stopped wearing a watch...
of course, in this day of digital craziness
most just use their cellphones

Question:  Is the watch industry suffering?

In January 2017, I joined twitter for a view
of the political scene and the opinions which are many
lets me release my frustrations
it is factual, it is speculations, it is funny
and sometimes scary

Question:  Is Rogue Potus really Bannon?

I am working on a new book
but I am not sure why I write other than it is enjoyable
writing has made me more critical
of my own self as well as the writing of others
it is an escape from life

Question:  How many characters exist in our minds?

Every day is something new, something old
there are ups that are great
and downs that make us question what we did
to be punished by some invisible movement of the world
life is inside of us and outside our door

Question:  Have we ever found peace?

Hello 2018
2017 wasn't what I would call my friend
but I count my blessings and I curb my attitude
not everything requires me to join in
with an opinion or sagely advice

Questions:  Has the internet taken over my life?

So, I will explore all of the questions that I have gathered and never explored.  Most will be merely dismissed without notice, a few might change my ways but many will make
me far more aware of the people in my orbit.
Live well - live fully - know that all things do pass with time
whether you acknowledge them, announce them or just file them away.
