Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Apple Pie and Me

Can you smell it....?
I make the best pies in America
No really, I do and I have my MIL to thank for
teaching me when I was a young bride back in the olden days.
At the moment my house smells like apple pie
because on the stove is my second pot of apples
cut up in large slices from my Golden Delicious Apple tree.
It is fall and in the fall it is harvesting apples
now whether one tree makes me an apple farmer is really a question
that one probably never ponders...
I love any berry or fruit pies and desserts
but my family loved my banana cream pies which required
no talent other than the crust.
I don't make those anymore because I am not near my family.

Sweet apples growing on my tree
turning from apple green soon they will be
deep sweet yellow
falling one by one from my tree.

Crisp and filled with dreams
coated in sugar and cinnamon beans
deep sweet yellow
apple slices from my dreams.

Smothered in thin crust
a touch of sugar on top a must
deep sweet yellow
apples hiding under the golden crust.

Hot or very cold my friends
scoop on the ice cream always wins
maybe caramel maybe not
but best shared with good friends.
