My love of ghost stories started at such an early age when I would
order a twenty-five cent soft book from school
every time they had a book drive.
The last one I ordered I never got for some reason or whatever
even though I inquired diligently as to its arrival
school ended with no book.
Why a fascination with ghosts?
It is easier to imagine a ghost, good or bad
then to admit that maybe you are a few crayons short
of the large box.
I love certain spooky stories like when I was
seven and would lay in front of the television watching
the monster movies on Saturday night
I could handle Frankenstein and the Mummy
far easier than the eighties when they unveiled hatchets
and Freddy what's his name.
Ghost stories are simple and the things that cause goosebumps
they are lost souls, horrible mean souls
sometimes they are benevolent but they are always
a mystery and not a fear of something
under the couch that is going to grab you dragging you into
its lair.
I usually write about horrible ghosts
but frequently the ghosts who haunt my stories
are in one's mind.
Ghost stories are my favorite.